We profess our faith in Jesus Christ because we have experienced the witness of those who have gone before us. We know our faith because we have been instructed in that faith by those who already know. If we, in turn, do not pass on the faith in word and deed, the faith dies.
Parents are the first and best teachers of our faith. But, they need the help of dedicated catechists. Catechists take on the resposibility of knowing the faith in the specific areas needed for a particular class year, and then leading our young people on a journey of faith throughout a given school year.
Catechist can be young or mature, single or married, a cradle Catholic or someone received into the Church. What is needed is a great love of God and of the children in your care. If you already have a deep knowledge of the faith, great! If you need to learn more as you go, you will be given the resources to succeed. If you have any thought that you might like to try this most important ministry, contact us. The service to our parish and young people will be great, and your reward even greater.