We are thrilled to have you join us in worship. However, to serve you better, we fervently hope you will register with us so that we can keep you informed of all that is happening at our parish. If you are planning to register children for religious education, parish registration is mandatory.
We highly encourage you to use the link to our online registration form below. However, you may also come to the parish center and fill out a registration form in person.
The number of ministries and organizations here at St. Anthony's is too long to fit them all here, but below are links to some key ones. As an active member of the parish, we encourage you to explore and join as best you can.
There is nothing more that any parish wants than to be able to serve its people freely and unencoumbered by financial constraints. In truth, we live in a world where we need to pay for heat and light and to keep the roof from leaking. The ability of the parish to do its work depends heavily on the generous contributions of its parishoners. We treasure the time and talent given to the parish, but we also need financial assistance. If you would like to donate on a regualr basis, please follow the link below to our Faith Direct account. Of course, you may also use parish envelopes or just offer what you can in the basket at mass.