Contact Information:
Director- Kathy Logan- [email protected]
Office Assistant- Pat Gelson- [email protected]
Grade Level Coordinators-
Grades 1-3-Jennifer [email protected]
Grades 4-6- Helen Dawson- [email protected]
Grades 7-8- Karen [email protected]
Religious Education Office Hours:
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Mondays-Thursdays during the school year.
Additional hours by appointment
The mission of our parish faith formation program is to help young people deepen their relationship with God, develop morally, grow in their knowledge of the Catholic faith and participate in the sacramental life of the Church
Philosophy- St. Anthony's Religious Education Program is based on the belief that a parish program is a support and reinforcement of a faith formation taught, witnessed and lived in the home. Religious Education classes are neither a subsitute or a replacement for family catechesis but rather a collaborative effort in working with the home and parish to assist the child in their ongoing faith formation. Therefore, the parish
offers a parish-family model of faith formation emphasizing the connection and bond between the family
and the parish. This program includes both In Person classes taught by a catechist as well as one lesson per month taught at home.
“Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
For the 2024-2025 school year the following options are offered:
Parish/Family Model of In Person and At Home Classes
Grades 1-6- Students will attend In-person classes at the parish center taught by a catechist on alternating weeks Classes are available Mondays, Tuesdays andThursdays at 3:45 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. The children will have one monthly lesson and assignment to be completed at home with a parent.
Grades 7-8- In- Person classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 P.M. -7:30 P.M. The students will have monthly required lessons to be completed at home. There is also a Confirmation workbook to be completed in each grade level.
Home School Model
(Grades 1, 3-6 only)-Children will be taught at home with required assignments to be submitted electronically. There will be two required in person classes per year.
Our parish offers many programs in spirituality, scripture and the tenets of the faith specifically for adults. The best place to see what is happening is on the news or events pages.
For adults seeking to be baptized, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the Church's path to the sacraments. Through a process of prayer, instruction and discernment, the person seeking to join the Church is led through to the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. These sacraments all occur at the Easter Vigil, the most solemn celebration of the liturgical year.
Those adults who are already baptized are most welcome to complete their sacraments if already Catholic, or come into full communion with the Catholic Church. These individuals may share some instruction with the RCIA classes, but the path is different in other ways.
If you are a seeker, the best thing to do is simply com and see. Contact us through our reception office and we will walk with you on this most exciting spiritual journey.